

Hello and welcome to my garden of words. I am Dr. Bridget E. Ukeni. I am a medical writer, poet, and artist. I enjoy learning, speaking, and writing. I am joyful and feel the most alive when I’m laughing. I have a certain fondness for words and how they punctuate the silence. I love creative expression and I’m yearning to create more art and poetry that people can connect with and be inspired by.

My poetry journeys in search of strength, love, and healing. I use my writing to discuss different themes and topics and to share my experiences and perspectives in a way I hope creates space for belonging, dialogue, and reflection. I want to be part of conversations surrounding courage, clarity, self-belief, purpose, and personal development. I am on a mission to encourage and empower WOMEN through my own journey of healing, transformation, and self-love.

I understand the gap between living outside and within one’s purpose, joy, and zone of genius. I am passionate about serving women by building their confidence and courage to explore their talents and actualise their dreams. I want to share poems, affirmations, lessons, and resources to help women overcome self-sabotage and limiting beliefs in order to create and experience joyful and purposeful lives.

I strongly believe that with some support and determination, we are capable of reshaping our minds and stepping courageously into the lives we truly envision for ourselves.

My name is Bridget. I am a curator of joy and on a mission to empower women to live boldly and unapologetically, one word at a time. :)



Have an upcoming project or event?

Send me an email or get in touch with me using my contact form.

📩 : bridgeteukeni@gmail.com